Log, Don’t Bog

As anyone who’s spent time firefighting system issues knows, having solid logs in place can make all the difference between a quick, efficient fix that gets things back on track and a long day spent trying to piece together what went wrong.

Reading time: 3’52”

Logging in a Red Hat environment is one of those things that’s easy to overlook until something goes wrong. But as anyone who’s spent time firefighting system issues knows, having solid logs in place can make all the difference between a quick, efficient fix that gets things back on track and a long day spent trying to piece together what went wrong. So, let’s talk about some simple yet effective logging practices that will keep your Red Hat systems running smoothly.

First things first, don’t underestimate the power of default settings. Red Hat comes with coredump and rsyslog enabled by default, and there’s a good reason for that. These tools are your first line of defense when something goes sideways. They capture critical data that can help you diagnose and resolve issues quickly. Disabling them might seem like a way to reduce overhead, but in reality, it’s like turning off your smoke alarms to save on batteries. It’s just not worth the risk. These settings are essential for maintaining system stability and should always remain enabled.

Keeping an eye on system resources is another cornerstone of good logging practice. Tools like sysstat give you visibility into how your system is performing in real-time. By regularly checking metrics like CPU usage, memory consumption, and network traffic, you can spot potential issues before they become real problems. Imagine driving a car without a speedometer or fuel gauge—it’s only a matter of time before you run into trouble. The same goes for managing your systems. Regular monitoring helps you stay proactive, so you’re not left scrambling when something inevitably starts acting up.

When it comes to diagnosing network issues, especially in environments using NFS or COS, tcpdump is your best friend. But here’s the thing—using it without filters is like trying to find a needle in a haystack. By applying filters and limiting capture sizes, you can zero in on the data you need without overwhelming your system. However, because this tool can impact performance, it’s important to limit its use to situations where issues arise.

Similarly, deep tracing tools like trace-cmd are incredibly powerful, but they come with a big caveat—they can significantly impact system performance if used indiscriminately. Think of them as your system’s MRI. You wouldn’t order one for a simple check-up, but when you need to diagnose a complex issue, they’re invaluable. Use them sparingly, and make sure you have clear policies in place for when and how to deploy them. Long-term activation of these tools is generally not recommended.

For those rare but inevitable moments when your system experiences a kernel panic, having vmcore ready for post-mortem analysis is crucial. Configuring kdump properly ensures that you have a memory dump available when you need it most. This way, even in the face of a catastrophic failure, you have the information needed to figure out what went wrong and prevent it from happening again.

Finally, let’s talk about log management. It’s easy to let log files pile up, but that’s a recipe for wasted storage and potential compliance headaches. Automating the deletion or archiving of old logs keeps things tidy and ensures that your logging system remains efficient. But don’t stop there—consider integrating a cloud-based solution like IBM Cloud Logs. This gives you centralized management, real-time monitoring, and the scalability to handle whatever your systems throw at you. Whether you’re sticking with local log management or moving to the cloud, the goal is the same: keep your logs organized, accessible, and actionable. Adopting IBM Cloud Logs is a recommended option depending on your specific needs.

In the end, logging isn’t just about capturing data—it’s about capturing the right data, at the right time, in the right way. By following these best practices, you’re not just setting yourself up to catch problems early—you’re also building a foundation for smoother, more efficient operations across the board. Take the time to review your logging setup, make the necessary tweaks, and rest easy knowing that you’re prepared for whatever comes next.